The concept of the show revolves around roommates Bugs and Daffy living in a suburb of Los Angeles with “colorful neighbors” and other characters including Lola Bunny, Tina Russo, Porky Pig, Foghorn Leghorn, Elmer Fudd, Sylvester, Tweety, Granny, Gossamer, Yosemite Sam, Speedy Gonzales, Marvin the Martian, Pete Puma, and more. Rozen Maiden Op 1 Download. The show’s plots contain less visual gags, and are more adult-oriented and dialogue-driven than has been seen in past Looney Tunes shows, such as dating, love triangles, employment, and rooming. Daffy has taken to snoring, so a sleep-deprived Bugs nearly pushes him off a building before both agree to visit a medical center. Daffy is offered a surgery for his deviated septum, but he learns he has a small bump on his beak, and when he elects for plastic surgery, the doctor performs the surgery with surprising results. After visiting Porky at his accountant job, Bugs decides to get a job there, but this proves fatal for Porky’s work ethic. Tina enlists Daffy to babysit her nephew. Meanwhile, Bugs learns why Daffy calls Porky a bummer when Porky falls for every upsell that is offered to him.
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